"Writers write": I absconded those words from a very old copy of Writer's Magazine, magazines which were being destroyed by the librarians at my local junior high school to make room for the new. (And now young people don't yearn for the periodicals room the way I used to!) Those words have encouraged me over the years -- not "writers write masterpieces" or "writers write daily". Simply, writers write. This blog is for that purpose, and you are welcome to come along!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Several years ago, I was challenged by a friend to take the NaNoWriMo Challenge.  This stands for National Novel Writing Month.  Yes, such a thing does exist.  It is in Novemeber.  And for this challenge one pledges to write a complete 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  It is not as easy as it sounds.  It is quite difficult, in fact, because when you must write 2000 words a day, it seems you can't even come up with word number 1.

However, I started the mystery novel.  I don't know how many days ago, but I know it was after my trip to Mississippi.  It is now July 22 (I think), and I am 120,000 words in.  It is flowing fast and furiously, much like the Missouri overflowing its banks.  I am learning, however, that one should probably do some serious planning before writing a mystery novel.  Otherwise you stare at the screen asking yourself, "Does she already have that piece of infomation?  When did that clue come in?  I can't give that away yet." 

It is especially hard for me because I am a write by the set of her pants type of girl.  I write whatever comes, fix it later, and the characters become real and take over the whole show anyway.  Hard to do with a mystery because she CAN'T take over -- she doesn't know it all, much as she thinks she does. 

I will have to ask friends to do serious critiquing of this one, to make sure there is logical flow and the clues make sense.  But I am enjoying the process!

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