"Writers write": I absconded those words from a very old copy of Writer's Magazine, magazines which were being destroyed by the librarians at my local junior high school to make room for the new. (And now young people don't yearn for the periodicals room the way I used to!) Those words have encouraged me over the years -- not "writers write masterpieces" or "writers write daily". Simply, writers write. This blog is for that purpose, and you are welcome to come along!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Some days writing is a passion for me.  The words are flowing, the idea is there, and I am pleased with what I put on the page.  Other days it is a grind, or it doesn't get done at all.  Perhaps because I am tired, or the idea isn't there, or I allow other things to get in the way.  A good book ususally fits that category!

But reading other people's writing is only part of what makes a good writer.  The other part is to WRITE.  When I was a teenager, my middle school was clearing out the periodicals room (remember actual magazines?) and I took a stack of "Writers".  I read through them, tore out what I wanted to keep, filed them away.  Over the years -- many long years, now -- those filed papers have gotten shuffled, lost, and tossed.  But I still remember one adage: "Writers write, that is all."

My "first" novel has been in the research/write/rewrite stage for nearly a decade now.  My wonderful friend and encourager, a true Barnabas, is going to get tired of encouraging me eventually.  I really have to get on the stick!

My second historical novel is in the research stage.  Perhaps over the summer I can do much of that, talking to the local historical society and whatnot.  The problem is, this story isn't alive for me yet.  The reason I have trouble with editing the first novel is because the characters are so real -- the story is so true -- how do I change it?  It is almost as if they have given me the story, their story, and who am I to say their word choice is confusing or dull? 

Of course, that's just an excuse! :)

I have one story flowing well right now, and I am writing it in long-hand.  I actually prefer that.  I can write, scribble, doodle when a word escapes me, cross out what I don't like, and still read what I crossed out if I decide I like that better.  I often do.  It is a period piece but not historical -- the history is there only as a backdrop, and I make no claims to authenticity.  But the characters are real, and that seems to be what drives me.

Please feel free to leave comments.  But don't be nasty or I will have to block you!

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